Birth Stories

anyone do hypnobirthing but still had an epi?

I'm really interested in hypnobirthing... but I also know I will most likely want an epidural to minimize pain (I'm a wimp). Has anyone here done both? What I mean is, have you read a book/taken a class/listened to a hypnobirth CD and yet still planned to have an epidural or other medication during your L&D?

I realize that one of the biggest reasons to use hypnobirthing is that you learn methods of relaxation to avoid needing medication during L&D, but I just don't trust that I will be able to relax that fully--I am a bit of a spaz when it comes to pain! 

Just wondering if it's silly for me to invest time in learning about hypnobirthing if the whole time I fully intend to get an epi, or whether some of what I would learn will help in the early phases of labor. Your thoughts? I want to learn some techniques that will help me relax as much as possible during the whole experience. Any advice? TIA.

Re: anyone do hypnobirthing but still had an epi?

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    Hi - I took HypnoB classes, read the books and planned on a 'real' HypnoB birth. However, my body had other plans - my water broke and nothing was happening for a couple of days, so I had to be induced. And once I got to 7cm using the HypnoB methods, I said 'enough is enough' and asked for the epi. I'm still very happy that I took the classes, though. They helped me a great deal to relax and focus. I do hope that I'll be able to use everything I've learned with my next birth, though.

    So, if you are planning for an epi, perhaps you just read the HypnoB book and do the exercises, and don't spend money on an actual class. I actually feel that those classes are only truly good if they're one-on-one. If they're not, then you just end up doing all the exercises and practicing at home anyway. So, you might as well just do it from the book. Either way, I hope your birthing experience will be smooth, safe and negative emotion-free! GL!

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    There is more to learn than just pain management in hypnobirthing classes. I ended up with a cesarian due to my baby being breech. I still used the relaxation techniques we learned in my birth experience. I almost had a total panic attack when I couldn't feel my body. ?Also, you learn more about birth, babies, hospitals, and yourself through those classes.
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