She had what I thought was a normal fever temporally at home- 100.4. I called the nurse line to confirm that she can have tylenol. They told me to go straight to urgent care. It rose there to 100.9 and they sent me to the ER b/c they couldn't find anything wrong with her. By the time we got here, it was 101.6. Apparently that is pretty dangerous in a NB and not very common. I would have never known. I'm so glad something told me to call. I was pretty close to just giving her tylenol and calling it a day.
Re: ? about maren...
Wow. I had no idea that a "low" fever like that in an infant was so serious either!! How long has she had the fever now?
I hope she gets better soon!
Wow, that's good to know!
See, this is why I think EVERY mom should be on a message board! There's sooo much info out there that you never hear of.