With DS I gained about 15-20 lbs total. This time around we didn't know about twins until nearly 20 weeks, but still, to-date I have only gained 20 lbs.(even though in my belly pic it looks like waaay more) I lost 10-15 in the beginning from m/s. Babies seem to be growing fine, but the weight guidelines from Dr. Luke kind of have me concerned.
How much weight did you gain total? Would you be worried if you were me?
Re: Weight gain?
I wouldn't worry about a number as long as the babies are gaining weight fine. I gained 45lbs and both my babies were 3lbs and I have another friend who gained 47lbs and she delivered 6lbs babies.
I gained 24 lbs total. My children were born at 38w3d and were 6lbs 7oz and 6lbs 7oz. I wouldn't be worried. Especially if your Dr isn't concerned.