SO yesterday B and I were talking about her day and about everyone that was at school. She tells me "miss cole kicked me"
Miss Cole is actually Nicole, she's one of B's teachers 9ish year old DD.
I asked her a few times to show me, she said she was sitting and the little heffa kicked her in the back. The story never changed. She said it was a different day, not yesterday so she may have just remembered since we were talking about her. I had DH ask her today, same story.
How do I approach this. I want to just go and snatch that little heffa but I don't know what happened. I don't want to piss off hte teacher either. This teacher is a bit intimidating and I didn't want DH to bring it up at drop-off this morning because I don't want her questioning B all day.
What would you do?
Re: Daycare situation, WWYD?
I personally wouldn't worry about it much just because I know my d/c provider well enough that if something like that did happen she would punish the one who was kicking, provided she saw what went down.
BUT I don't know if you have that kind of trust in your d/c provider. I would casually mention B's story to her, but I don't think you should jump to the conclusion that it wasn't handled. KWIM? Maybe it wasn't, and I think you'll get a sense of what really happened when you bring it up to her. Bringing it up will make her much more conscious of what goes on if she knows that B will tell you.
This surprises me coming out of YOUR mouth! LOL
1. Tell B to kick her back the next time it happens.
2. When you see the heffa next, say that Brooke told you she kicked her and that you would appreciate it if she didn't do that again.
Mia tells stories so I have to be careful not to get too riled up about things she says. I've witnessed several times at pick up where someone will accidentally run into her and she'll think it was intentional. I wouldn't bother talking to the teacher about it unless I was CERTAIN that it was intentional. In the meantime, I'd just ask/tell the heffa to be more careful around the smaller kids since they're smaller.
lol she doesn't intimidate ME, the kids seem to be intimidated by her and I don't want her questioning B and making her retract what she said.
I'll have to think about this.
usually they are fine. Remember this girl is NINE. She's the teachers DD so she's only there after school sometimes or when school is out. B always goes to hug her when we leave.
I'll mention it. My thing is, even if it happened and it was an accident, if they knew, they should tell me so I'm not left wondering about what happened when B brings it up.