And maybe I'm just biased because my boyfriend -- er, Kris -- is in the finals, too, but it seems like the finale song was written more for Adam's voice and the performances tonight were more geared toward Adam's style. He had the big production and Kris had a little, ol' duet with Keith Urban.
I know the voting isn't based on tonight, but it still bugs me. Plus, last night, they showed three numbers for Adam but only two for Kris. Regular viewers would have known to use IDOLS 06, but people who don't regularly vote probably wouldn't. They showed the first two numbers on-screen, but Kris' third performance was reviewed with no number.
I don't like Adam so I'm probably just being sensitive, but I feel like the show's been produced favoring Adam.
Re: I feel like AI is totally skewed toward Adam winning (spoiler inside).
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
I posted before it was determined. I'll put "spoiler" in now, though, since a response has one.
Sorry, I wasn't referring to you! ?I should've clarified that! ?I am too tired to stay up tonight so that's why I was looking. ?I'm sort of surprised but not really I guess that Kris won!?