
Please recommend toys for long car rides - 2.5 yo and 7 mo

We have the DVD players but need toy recs. Also, snack ideas that wouldn't be too messy for a toddler! Thanks!
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Re: Please recommend toys for long car rides - 2.5 yo and 7 mo

  • Gold fish, crackers.  bananas.  apples. 


    Does he know his alphabet at all?  You can do a nice game of finding objects that start with certain letters.  make a board with all the letters.  that would probably take a long time!! 


    good luck.

  • We JUST took a long car ride with a not quite 2.5 year old and a 5 month old.

    I brought books, a couple of small toys like a travel Aquadoodle (he didn't use that) and bought a new shape puzzle as a treat. He also liked having his own map -- I just gave him the Mapquest map from the directions I printed. He was fantastic in the car, no DVD player necessary. We had brought the laptop, but never needed it at any point. We looked out the window a lot, and found all kinds of trucks and tractors and motorcycles to look at, as well as different buildings.

    Snack-wise, I had fruit (fresh and dried), fruit & grain bars, granola bars, those little Ritz cheese cracker sandwiches, Oreos, beef jerky (he loves it), and goldfish.

    DD just played with a couple of crunchy toys and nursed and slept and watched her brother.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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  • Colorforms --- they can use the board that comes with them, or they can put them on the window (and they come off).  They think it's cool to put them on the window!  :)

    Magna Doodle  or Etch A Sketch

    ColorWonder products

    The 7 month old will probably just need some things to chew on --- teethers, stuffed animals, etc.


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