When you make a point to burp or fart in front of me, it makes me not want to have sex with you. It's that simple. I didn't plan to feel that way, I understand that gas is natural, that you can't catch 'em all, and sometimes it can even be funny. I know other women don't share that reaction. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. If I hear a belch or a fart, or if I smell poop, any horniness I feel is instantly GONE. Poop is not sexy. So if you want to stay sexy to me, and you don't want me to associate you with the smell of bad breath and ***, leave the room!?
I could soooo relate.?
Re: Hilarious True Mom Confession (wife version)
I could have written this word for word. I DO NOT appreciate my husband farting in my space, I don't want to smell his poop (he knows to either light a match, canlde etc), bad breath etc. I don't mind burping but other than that I can be b!itchy about this topic and it's specfically because I find those things very unsexy. My husband totally knows this because I tell him and he is pretty good about not doing it in front of me. I can't help the way it makes me feel it just makes me feel totally repulsed if he farts and then I have to sit there in the stank. I have a major thing with smells in general...I am very sensitive to the funk.
My poor DH...I really do feel kind of bad that this is such an issue to me. LOL