
NMR: Books on breastfeeding?

One thing I always kicked myself about after the boys arrived was that I didn't do more research on breastfeeding when I was pregnant.  I was only able to do it for 8 weeks and I feel that part of this was my lack of education on it.  Can someone recommend a good book for me to read during this pregnancy?  I'd ideally like to nurse her/pump until she turns one...although if I got to 6 months I'd be happy.  I'm hoping to avoid the cost of formula if I can! 


Re: NMR: Books on breastfeeding?

  • I liked So That's What They're For. It's a more laid back, less medical type of book on breastfeeding.
  • imageHisLobster:
    I liked So That's What They're For. It's a more laid back, less medical type of book on breastfeeding.


    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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