Alabama Babies

Amanda (amandabrooke)

How is the job hunt going?  Did you have your interview yet? 

Re: Amanda (amandabrooke)

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    Thanks for checking Allison =)  I had one interview on Monday, but that wasn't a good fit for either party. I have one that'll either be Thursday afternoon or Friday morning with a former employer and I'm excited about it; then next week I fly out to FL for a 3rd one. There's been some good phone dialogue with different companies and I actually turned down one company's offer (questioned their financial stability).

    It's a rollercoaster of emotions- but I stay optimistic because God has always provided!

    Anyhow, sorry to write a novel about this job hunt, but basically I'm trying to stay patient because it has only been 2.5 wks...Thanks so much for thinking of me!!!!   =)

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    *butting in*  I'm so glad you've already got so many options!!  I LOVE the new pic of Mason :)
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    I'm butting in as well....but I'm glad things are optimistic. I know there is an added pressure being a single mom, but like you said...God will provide...he always did for me :o)

  the future...if I decide to have more babies...will you just have them for me? Because Mason is an absolute doll!!!!!

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    God absolutely always provides for us!  He will never leave you forsaken. 

    I am so glad that there are some options out there.  I know how discouraging it can be looking for a job.  Good Luck and I hope you get an offer soon!

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    Glad its looking up for you. It will all fall into place and I hope soon!! Mason is such a cutie!! Oh my goodness! Love the picture!
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    1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
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    I'm glad you have so many different opportunities! And I also love the new picture, he is precious!
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    Wow, thank y'all so much for your outpouring of encouragement! I'll make sure to keep you posted once I get to celebrate with a new job =)   

    And thanks for the sweet comments on Mason's picture...his big brown eyes just make me melt-I'm afraid he's going to be able to get away with anything and everything (yikes!).

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