
Belly is cone shapped at bottom?

So yesterday I noticed that my belly is very cone shaped at the bottom.  Baby A's head is down there, and it looks like that's probably the only thing that is.  Does that mean he has dropped?  My belly is so big all around, it's hard to tell if I've actually dropped, since it's gone from my boobs to my pelvic bone for quite awhile.  But the shape of it is new.  It use to be much more rounded all around. 

If you noticed one of your babies dropped, how much longer until you went into labor?  I know everyone is different, but I'm just curious.  Now that i'm almost 36 wks, I know it could happen any time.


Re: Belly is cone shapped at bottom?

  • Just out of total curiosity would you mind taking a picture? ?If not, I understand :-) ?I'm always trying to get a "picture" of what I'm in for!
  • I'll take one later today and post it....ummm....I think I should probably shower first! Wink
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  • LOL! ?Thank you for giving into my weird request!
  • janjagjanjag member

    isn't it funny how the belly can change shapes.  my cervix shortened to 5mm with a big U funnel opening on the inside.  baby a figured out  weeks ago that that would be a fun place to put her little foot (and kick).  she sometimes settles her butt down there too.  basically, she is as low as she can go.   and thank god, haven't gone into labor yet!  i wonder if "dropping" is different with twins.  i've read that in pg when you drop you can breath and eat more easily.  well, judging by my heartburn last night there is no extra room anywhere.

    yay for getting to 36!!!  that is really fantastic! 

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