

I am watching NCIS right this second!!! I couldn't keep my eyes open last night to watch it... is there something I should be keeping my eyes out for??

Re: r9

  • I'm PISSED at the ending!!


    ?This isn't a spoiler, but I just want Tony and Ziva to fall in loooove.

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • haha they wont they have more of a brother sister love/hate relationship...

    When did Zeva's apartment blow up??? I don't remember anything about that..

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  • It blew up at the beginning of the episode.


    Magee and Gibs were getting ready to go into it to investigate.


    But I want them to fall in love! ?Did the "date"??

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • i must have missed it or my dvr didn't record it..

     haha I would like Magee and Abby to get together I think it would make for some funny story lines!!

  • I foresee that story line in the future, too!
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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