
Wake the baby? Don't wake the baby?

Miles has been sleeping for nearly three hours. He needs to eat and take a bath dammit!!

He's been sleeping in three and four-hour chunks at night and I don't want to jinx that tonight with a long nap in the early evening. I know everyone says never wake a sleeping baby, but I don't want him to go too long without eating either!?

Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome

Re: Wake the baby? Don't wake the baby?

  • at this point I would wake him to eat.
  • Wake him up!!  Ben is not "allowed" to sleep more than 2-2.5 hours in a row during the day.  I don't know if that is why he now sleeps 10:30-5 at night, but I'm not going to find out :)
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  • I think it's best to wake them during the day if it is "time" for them to eat. Like you said, I'd rather him sleep longer stretches at night than during the day. 
  • We woke up both kids when they got to 3 hours.  Our Ped recommended it as a way to help them get days and nights straight.  We did not wake them overnight.
  • I would and did just wake Maren for that exact reason.
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