I know $120 is a little much, but I didn't pay for it, my dad did, so I don't feel as bad. I'm just glad I got one. Those little suckers are impossible to get. I just need to pick it up about 60 miles away from me. DH and I had already made plan to take a drive this Friday, so instead of going east we're going NW.
I'm happy
Re: I made my 1st ebay purchase
Woot! So fun!
What's the big attraction? I've seen people posting those on here several times over the past few days and never understood why. Are they just really great for multiples and they aren't made any longer? Not trying to rain on your parade, I'm honestly wondering.
How exciting! I LOVE mine. I scored an awesome deal. Some lady posted one BIT for $75. She didnt know Step2 stopped making them and that they were selling for upwards of $400 for all 3 cars. I found it like 15mins after she posted it and bought it right then. It was like 2am and after I paid for it I couldnt sleep because I was so excited. It came from Canada in 1wk with free shipping! After I paid for it and she shipped it she emailed me saying she wished she knew they were such a sought after item so she could have upped her price. Its in great condition and she probably could have sold it for $400+ like the other greedy people. I saw one sell for $800 brand new in box on ebay. I have seen them used and beat to sh!t, faded and no seat belts for $50 (only 2 cars and looks like it may fall apart soon) on craigslist. People just need to look hard for them and they will find them.
**That was BIN not BIT. (buy it now)
Im glad you found one for Sweater as well. So sweet of you to find one for her.