
Man, you guys are haters!!

On the big hair bows!  Besides brew I think you all must think lovely little Lila looks super ridiculous :)  It's cool....She will still wear one 

Re: Man, you guys are haters!!

  • Once I'm sperminated with a girl, you better believe she's going to have a big, fat bow on her round little head at all times. Hate on haters.
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I've gone back and forth on whether I like them or not.... bit Lila looks gorgeous in them. For realz. Smile
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  • She can rock it, though. Super cute. Shoot. I should have quoted you!
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • lol, I think Lila looks cute. 
  • lol r9...yeah because I wasn't sure what you were referring to?  ;) And yes, in the south it's like...the law that everything has to be big?  Or is that Texas?  Hmmm, either way I agree...hate on.

     and thx wifey :)

  • in case you were wondering, I was referring to the OP. HTH!!
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Can Julia join the group? ;)


  • LOL @ Team BowHead!

    I think Lila and Maren rock the bows, and if I had a daughter she'd be rocking all sorts of accessories, including giant bows.  Hell, I may even make Jackson wear some of the really cute ones I've seen.  ;)

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I keep opening this post just to see the Lila & Maren cuteness. 
    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Well, I think Lila looks beautiful. And I may have been a hater before, but mark my words. If I ever sprout a girl again, she'll be rocking one of your creations, lucyfox. Wink
  • I love them.  I think Lila is super duper gorgeous!

  • You make them?  Gorgeous!  I will be a big fan of bows if I have a girl.  I hate those scrunchie-looking-headbands, but a big, fat bow...yes please!
  • I'm up to my elbows in hairbows :)

    The business manager of my firm jokes w/ me that I only freelance for them to keep my girls in hairbows...

  • EMTEMT member
    Screw the haters, Lila is presh!
  • I love the bows and wish my girls would have tolerated them! 
  • I think they're supercute, but I rarely see little babies with huge bows like that around here.  Is it a regional thing maybe?
  • I don't like 'em and here's why. ?I keep staring at the BOW instead of the KID and the kids are usually gorgeous as all get out... but I just stare at the freakin BOW.?

    I want to look at chubby cheeks & drooly faces. ?Not a bow. TYVM.

    And I gotta tell ya, there are some seriously cute cheeks in this post LOL

  • babylove LOVE that one!  Did you make it? 

    Julia is presh too:)

    Ok I feel better...there are still some bow lovers out there! 

  • imageKoriBrett:

    I don't like 'em and here's why.  I keep staring at the BOW instead of the KID and the kids are usually gorgeous as all get out... but I just stare at the freakin BOW. 

    I want to look at chubby cheeks & drooly faces.  Not a bow. TYVM.

    And I gotta tell ya, there are some seriously cute cheeks in this post LOL

    Ditto this. And FWIW I think Lila and Maren are both GORGEOUS.

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Sorry I have to admit to being a hater. A demented easter egg in a diaper is the description I once read and it resonated with me.

    Sorry, I can see through the bows and see the cute kid, but I can't say I like the bows. 

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