
*Nestie Angel Poll*

 I am stealing this from another board because I thought it was a great idea.

 Answer these random questions so that your Nestie Angel can know a little more about you. That way she can send you something she knows you'll like!


Favorite Color:


Favorite Candy/Treat:

Current Obsession:

Random fact about yourself:

After 2 years of IF, and moving forward with adoption we were thrilled to discover we were pregnant with no intervention in 2009. Miss Molly joined our family in February 2010 and we could not be more in love with our little angel. Lilypie Second Birthday tickers blog

Re: *Nestie Angel Poll*

  • Favorite Color: Orange

    Hobbies: Decorating, painting, starting projects and not finishing them :)

    Favorite Candy/Treat:  Starburst jellybeans

    Current Obsession:  Finding drapes for our house

    Random fact about yourself: Uhhh...I've got nothing this morning!

  • Favorite Color: Red and Blue

    Hobbies: Reading, watching movies, surfing the internet

    Favorite Candy/Treat: M and M's and Reese's Cups

    Current Obsession: Trying to find the materials for  new floors, new paint, and new furniture for my downstairs (kitchen, bonus room, and family room).  I'm keeping the foyer and dining room and 1/2 bath the same, thank goodness.

    Random fact about yourself: I've lived in the same area all my life (lived with parents until marriage and then built a house across the street), and I've only had 1 job (1st Grade Teacher) in my life.  My parents told me that school was my job and I never had to have one in college.

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  • imageNicB:

     I am stealing this from another board because I thought it was a great idea.

     Answer these random questions so that your Nestie Angel can know a little more about you. That way she can send you something she knows you'll like!


    Favorite Color: Green or pink

    Hobbies: reading, writing, drinking coffee (lol I know lame)

    Favorite Candy/Treat:Caribou coffee (or starbucks).  Fav candy, hershy bliss chocolates

    Current Obsession:taking pictures

    Random fact about yourself:I can lick my elbow

    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image
  • Favorite Color: Green or pink

    Hobbies: reading, wine, travel, drinking coffee (MayDay, you're not lame!!)

    Favorite Candy/Treat: coffee (starbucks).  Reese's PB cups, Yorks, any chocolate really

    Current Obsession: working!

    Random fact about yourself: I want a crazy big house, and someone to clean it!

    Photobucket My Favorite Part of Spring~Red Sox Baseball!
  • Favorite Color: green

    Hobbies: reading, decorating my house, puttering in general

    Favorite Candy/Treat: ummm, I'll pretty much eat anything sweet!

    Current Obsession: The Nest, HGTV, blogs

    Random fact about yourself: I've colored or highlighted my hair since I was 15.

    2 years TTC with 5 losses, 1 year recovering, 6 months applying for adoption approval, and almost a year waiting for a placement. Then, a miracle BFP at age 36!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Favorite Color: Pink!!!!

    Hobbies: Reading, hanging out with my pugs, dancing, working out

    Favorite Candy/Treat: I love Skor candy bars (DH always makes fun of me for that!) and anything red velvet

    Current Obsession: Trying to get my nails to grow (they always crack)

    Random fact about yourself: We just bought bikes and I haven't had one in forever!

  • Favorite Color:   YELLOW


    Favorite Candy/Treat: M&M AND GOOD AND PLENTY


    Random fact about yourself: I AM AMBIDEXTROUS

  • Favorite Color:   Blue

    Hobbies: Reading, Sewing

    Favorite Candy/Treat: Peanut Butter M & M's , Reece's PB Cups

    Current Obsession: Starting my side business of making baby items

    Random fact about yourself: My DH and I have known each other for 20 yrs but we have only been married 2 1/2 yrs. Slow on the uptake!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Favorite Color: Lime green

    Hobbies:Wine, cooking, travel, shopping at Babies R Us!

    Favorite Candy/Treat:I'm a bakery person...any cookies, pastries, bread, etc. Of course I love chocolate and anything coconut or lemon flavored

    Current Obsession:becoming a SAHM...someday. And collecting cookbooks, especially ones on Italian cuisine.

    Random fact about yourself:I am left handed and double jointed. I can still do the splits, left leg in front, without stretching first (and I'll be 39 on Thursday, I'm impressed myself).

  • Favorite Color:Blue or Green

    Hobbies:Reading, Cross Stitch, Wine Tasting

    Favorite Candy/Treat: Brownies.

    Current Obsession:My dog.  :)  I like to find things to do that I can include him in. I hate leaving him home.

    Random fact about yourself: I volunteer with a cat rescue.  I pre-screen potential adopters and take care of the cats.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

  • Good idea!


    Favorite Color: Light blue or green.

    Hobbies: Volunteering with teens, bike riding on katy trail, following sporting teams, 

    Favorite Candy/Treat: Reeces peanut butter cups (the mini ones) or peanut M&Ms

    Current Obsession:The internet (blogs, message boards, etc) or fixing up our house so we're ready for foster children.

    Random fact about yourself: I used to be in competitive gymnastics.


  • Favorite Color: orange

    Hobbies: laying in the sun. shopping. scrapbooking. blogging.

    Favorite Candy/Treat: oreos dipped in cream cheese frosting!

    Current Obsession: grayden!!!

    Random fact about yourself: I had a kidney transplant 7 months ago.

  • Favorite Color: Green

    Hobbies: volleyball, watch Colts football and St. Louis Blues hockey games, reading

    Favorite Candy/Treat: reeses pieces and hershey kisses

    Current Obsession: getting licensed!!!  and trying to figure time off so we can go see Dave Matthews Band this summer and reading blogs.

    Random fact about yourself: When I was little, I thought Madonna was my birthmother...yes, I'm a dork.

  • Favorite Color: Bright Red

    Hobbies: Scrapbooking, painting, reading

    Favorite Candy/Treat: Skor bars, peanut butter cups, ice cream (candy in ice cream....there's a trend here!)

    Current Obsession: Hmm...books on adoption!  (Books for adults or children)

    Random fact about yourself:  I love really bad "reality" tv shows! 

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  • Favorite Color: Burgandy


    Favorite Candy/Treat:PB & Chocolate anything

    Current Obsession: House shopping

    Random fact about yourself: I used to act in community theater when I was a teen.

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