
how to get DD to drink from bottle on her own?

DD is almost 1 and is very lazy when it comes to bottle drinking. She refuses to hold the bottle on her own. At about 6 months she was curious and starting holding on her own for short periods of time, but then just stopped. We try laying it on her belly so she can hold it and she won't. We try handing it to her - she'll bang it around like a toy,but won't put in her mouth.

 We don't know what to do at this point and I know we need to soon try a sippy cup but not sure how to do that when she won't hold bottle. Any advice from others that have dealt with this?

Re: how to get DD to drink from bottle on her own?

  • Have you tried giving it to her in the high chair with a meal of finger foods? That's what worked with one of my daycare kids (a sippy not a bottle though - although she never would hold the bottle either).
    3 boys (15, 8, 6), 1 girl (4)
  • Use hand over put her hands on it and then your hands over hers and then slowly but surely start to take your hands off of hers.
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  • DS never (or very, very rarely) held his ownn bottle. He was just super lazy about that and liked the cuddles, etc.

    He was always fine with a sippy, though - we started giving him one with water at 9 months or so and he always held it himself and was fine with the trasition to all sippy at a year.

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  • My DS started holding his after we introduced a sippy (those playtex ones with handles). ?Before the sippy, he was like a little lamb or a calf, just sticking is little face out to be fed (it was pretty adorable)
  • Neither of my girls held their own bottles.  They did fine with a sippy cup as soon as we introduced them at the table around 8 months, but bottle time was cuddle time.  At 12 months we cut out all the bottles except the one she gets right before bed.  I'm alright with holding that one for her.  She holds her own cup the rest of the day.
  • Honestly, at this point I wouldn't even bother trying to get her hold her bottle, she is almost 1 y/o and assuming that you are going to move her to whole milk and sippy cups soon, its not really a battle worth fighting. Instead, I would start giving her either a soft spout sippy or straw cup at meal times in her highchair and let her start practicing with just water in the cup. My DS is 13 mths and even though he can drink out of a hard spout sippy, I have to hold it for him. He is bf'd so never really learned how to hold a bottle but has been stealing his sisters straw bups for a while now. ?This week we switched him to straw cups and now he can drink a whole cup of milk on his own.
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  • My ds never held his bottle. We weaned from the bottle at 15 months without him ever having held it even once. He also wouldn't tip back his sippy cup. We decided to use the Nuby straw sippys with handles and they worked great!
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