Our GI doctor is out of the office this week home sick with a bad illness herself so we went back to the ER with Cameron today and argued with the ER docs and the GI team about what was wrong with Cam to make him vomit so much. After getting home from the hospital on Saturday night he'd started vomiting tons of really dark green bile every hour and a half and had horrible diarrhea all night long. About 10 poopie diarrhea diapers in a row, about one every two hours. And he was still vomiting in his sleep. During today's visit to the ER the GI team said they thought he had a stomach virus but they wanted to stick him with IV hydration fluids and admit him for over night monitoring. At $2,000 a night for which we pay 10% we said not unless they can prove that he needs to stay.
We argued that things only got worse when the ER team refused to correct the placement of the tube as we had demanded on Saturday, and today we demanded that the Interventional Radiology surgical team check placement since they were the ones who put it in originally.
Since 5:30pm when they finally pulled the tube back to 3cm (from 10cm which is 7cm too far into his belly pushing on his pylorus sphincter causing all of his discomfort) to now at 10pm he has not vomited once!
Booyah! Up the doctors nose with a rubber hose!
Tomorrow after our first feeding clinic session I am demanding copies of the boys medical files so I can give them to the next GI doctor.
Re: Fought and won!
Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
I am so, so angry at the ER docs that sent you guys home the first time. What total @ssholes! You definitely need to complain to somebody about that - but I don't know who
Good luck at the feeding clinic tomorrow. I'll be thinking of your little guys! (and I REALLY hope you can find a new GI doc w/out much hassle!)
Conveniently enough none of them ever came back into our room after the radiology team confirmed and fixed the placement. We were discharged without ever seeing any of them again.
What a bunch of assholes.
I'm so glad you made them figure it out, though. Why is that so damned hard? Grrrrrrrrrr.
My Blog
If Max ever has eating issues, I'm skipping the ER and coming to your house! You apparently know better than a bunch of medical "experts"!
I'm so happy for you that they boys are doing better! You all deserve the break!
I can not imagine how incredibly frustrated you must be. It's ridiculous when you have to be the medical expert in the hospital!!
Congrats on your win and I am so happy to hear that Cameron is doing better!! I applaud you for standing up for your child!
Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07