How much do you let your younger DC's schedule dictate your older one's?
I use the term "schedule" loosely, since neither DC is on a strict schedule, but we do have regular mealtimes, bedtimes, etc. Now that DD#2 is pretty much out of the newborn stage, I'd like to start gearing her toward some regular nap times. My dilemma is that now that it is (finally) nice outside, I want DD#1 to be able to play outside. But it seems like by the time I feed DD#2, get everybody dressed for the day, do breakfast, etc., then it's time to try to put her down for a nap and DD#1 is itching to get outside. Then we usually run an errand or go for a walk in the afternoon so we aren't really inside then, either.
I hate to make DD#1 stay inside when it's so nice out but I want DD#2 to get her rest, too. The other complicating factor is that DD#2 only naps for about 30 min. at a time, so I would try to get her down for a nap and go outside with DD#1 and the monitor, but that only lasts for 15-20 min. by the time we get organized to go outside.
Sorry this got so long!
Re: moms of 2, schedule question
It's hard to get it all worked out but you will!
I will take R to play outside in the morning while the baby is laying down for a nap. I just crack his window which faces our backyard and I can hear him....or use a monitor if we go out front. Normally,he only naps for an hour at the most so we run our errands before the morning nap or right after both of the kids afternoon nap.
If it's just errands where I can be in the car (bank, dry cleaner, etc) I let him nap while we are out.
You will work it out soon! GL!