Texas Babies

Part time daycares?

Can anyone recommend a trustworthy, affordable daycare that offers part-time care (on the NE side)?  Right now DS attends a great center full-time, but we can't afford it anymore (and it does not offer part-time care).  I may be able to bring him to work with me for 2 days a week, and use daycare the other three days.  Does anyone have good experiences with home daycares?


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Re: Part time daycares?

  • This is kind of late, but have you tried looking into church daycares? They were far less expensive than the other daycares I looked at. DS goes full time for $115 a week. They offer part time hours MWF or TTh at the one we go to, but it is off 410 and Vance Jackson, so not sure if that is close enough to where you need it to be. I can't remember off hand how much the PT rate is, but I think it was around $85 a week maybe?
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  • Unfortunately, that's too far away for me.  I've called a couple of churches around my side of town, and they are either expensive or not accepting 6 month olds.  But thanks for the info!
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