I just came across this craigslist add and it's really bothering my for some reason.
It's basically a huge lot of formula that is all expired. She says it has never been opened so it's still good. Does anyone know if that's true?
(I would like to flag it or put out a warning but I'm not sure how long formula lasts after it's expired.)
Re: Question about formula.
Honestly, I don't think it's a big deal. My mom actually called the "hotline" that was listed on a can of formula because it was expired. The woman basically said it wasn't as "fresh". When my mother pushed, the woman could give no reason at all for why she shouldn't use the formula after the expiration date.
As long as we're talking years, and not months, I don't think it's an issue.
edited to add: Oops - that should be "months, not years" ugh, I need to go to bed!
LilJen, I have never flagged anything on craigslist before but I just flagged it as well. I know times are tight but I would hate to think of some poor baby getting sick because of this.
I did google it and depending on how expired it is, formula can develop mold that you would never be able to see. It can make a baby very sick.
Ya, the formula I was talking about was expired about 1.5 months (which they said was still safe). Not sure how long it would take mold to develop, but last Aug seems like a LONG time ago . . .