Parenting after a Loss

any of your LO like solids better than formula/BM?

DD has no problem eating her solids. But has ZERO interest in taking a bottle these days. I gave up on her early morning bottle and now I just give her bottles right before naps and before bedtime. I have to do them in the nursery with the lights off, otherwise she is way too distracted.Not sure if the runny nose is playing a part in this?

I have a chart that says she should be getting 21-32oz/day for her age so I've been making 24oz and getting her to take that is a struggle. She crawls all over me trying to avoid the bottle. Sometimes I just give up and put her down for her nap. I hate feeling like I am force feeding her but I obviously want her to get what she needs.

Am I giving her too many solids? Not timing things right? Anything else I should try?

Re: any of your LO like solids better than formula/BM?

  • I just told DH that I can't wait for K to "get" sippy cups so he can take his formula around with him.  He always drinks his bottle first thing in the morning, but the other ones are a little less consistent, and he is only taking about 3 before bed.  He loves solid food and would prefer I feed him that way.  I try to space out his solids.  He gets a bottle when he wakes up, then breakfast an hour or so later right before his morning nap.  Then he takes a bottle when he wakes up, lunch right before his early afternoon nap, then a bottle when he wakes up.  Now that Avery is napping better, maybe that would work for you?
  • By the time my first child was about 8 months old, he had almost completely stopped BF.  He'd nurse at night, right before bed, but only half-heartedly.
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  • DS seems like he is over the bottle and when he will take it, he usually wants to be sitting up.  I am going to introduce the sippy cup next week and see what happens.  He was taking up to 35oz a day, and now I am lucky if he gets 24.  When I get the bowl of cereal ready, he is SO excited!  He loves eating the cereal.  I haven't done any other food that rice or oatmeal, so I will see how he likes the rest of the solids.
  • Aidan is doing the same thing right now. He only gets 3 8 oz. bottles a day, and only the bedtime one is easy to give him. We really have to force the first 2 on him. He tries to push them away after an ounce or two a lot of times. It's really frustrating, and he does love his solids and finger foods. I don't really know what to do about it.
    Aidan Jake 7/25/08 Cooper Cole 7/27/10 Tessa Morgan 8/9/12
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