DD has no problem eating her solids. But has ZERO interest in taking a bottle these days. I gave up on her early morning bottle and now I just give her bottles right before naps and before bedtime. I have to do them in the nursery with the lights off, otherwise she is way too distracted.Not sure if the runny nose is playing a part in this?
I have a chart that says she should be getting 21-32oz/day for her age so I've been making 24oz and getting her to take that is a struggle. She crawls all over me trying to avoid the bottle. Sometimes I just give up and put her down for her nap. I hate feeling like I am force feeding her but I obviously want her to get what she needs.
Am I giving her too many solids? Not timing things right? Anything else I should try?
Re: any of your LO like solids better than formula/BM?