Don't pay attention to the price as that's a big fat NAY but I love them for some reason. SO not something I would normally wear/pick out but they scream "ROCK STAR" to me and I am loving them.
What do you think???
Re: YAY or NAY on these shoes?
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
I think the gladiator shoe look is cute, but all that hardware makes them look a little played out (and gladiator sandals can easily look overly-80's, I think)... I prefer them in one of the darker colors, so the metal isn't so obvious.
A ~ 2.7.06 S ~ 9.2.07
Glendi --- I didn't even know they had a name!
Some of them that look hirachi-ish are 80's looking to me.
Ok, so no to those. I'll find a pair with less hardware then. And maybe try a pair on in a store to make sure they don't make my already fat ankles look even fatter!
You crack me up!!!
Christmas 2011
Wow -- they are really horrible huh?!
I'm glad it's not something I would normally buy otherwise I might feel a bit more weird than usual right now!