Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

After D&C, did your legs hurt?

I had my D&C Friday morning and actually felt ok besides being very tired. But last night I noticed the insides of my upper legs felt really tight and sensitive. This morning, it was like the tendons were about to snap. WTF? Is that from whatever position they had me in for that 30-45 minutes during the procedure? Ugh, I don't even want to think about it, but I'm guessing that's what it is? Anyone else's legs hurt or is it just me because I'm the least flexible person on the planet?

Re: After D&C, did your legs hurt?

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    I had a D&C on Thursday and my legs don't hurt, but I would imagine it is totally possible for them to hurt due to the positioning used. I know you are in some sort of stirrups for the procedure.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    I've actually been surprised at how "easy" physically this procedure has been to recover from. It almost seems wrong that it is so easy for a pregnancy to end.
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    Yes it's completely normal. Mine did too, it took a few days as well.  It could either be from the position or maybe it's just from the contractions, as if you were in labor.
    Marie, wife to Ron, mom to DS
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    It's been 10 days for me and my thighs and groin area feel achy and tired like I did too much exercise. I had heard that that was a sign of miscarriage so I suppose it would be the same for a d&c since that is essentially a miscarriage.......

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    Yes, mine do..and I do think it is from the position.  That is the way I woke up and I said I felt like I had been in a car accident ad someone had smashed my legs and pelvis.

    Hang in there...

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    My upper legs hurt.  It felt like I had been doing too many lunges.  It's probably from the postion they had your legs in during the procedure. 
    From miscarriages, a diagnosis of a bicornuate uterus, and fibroid removal surgery...It's been quite the journey but it was all well worth it. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Most likely the position from the procedure.  My hip hurt pretty bad when I woke up.  Hang in there.
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    My thigh hurt really badly.
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