I hear implantation cramping is not common. However, I have been pregnant 3 times now and had it all 3 times around 8 dpo. Did you have implantation cramping (I am not talking about implantation spotting). TIA
I felt it every month I was TTC, whether I was actually pg or not. I'm sorry, I'm sure it's not the answer you were looking for. I did however, know very early that I was pg, like 7-8 DPO- I had real symptoms.
I know it's so hard after m/c's, I know. You just want to be pg so bad. I really, really hope you get BFP in a few days.
Re: xp: Question for you ladies?
I felt it every month I was TTC, whether I was actually pg or not.
I'm sorry, I'm sure it's not the answer you were looking for. I did however, know very early that I was pg, like 7-8 DPO- I had real symptoms.
I know it's so hard after m/c's, I know. You just want to be pg so bad. I really, really hope you get BFP in a few days.