
postpartum cramping?

had isla on tues, but am still cramping pretty bad. it feels very sore in the groin an top of  my legs area.. its worse when i nurse her. no clotting or anything along with- just the cramps. i know i had pain after my first daughter, but this pain now rivals some of my contractions! i delivered naturally with both girls, and have a pretty high pain tolerance, but this just sucks.  anyone else have this? how long did it last and did you take anything- esp if you were bfing? tia!!!

mila belle 3.26.07 and isla leighton 5.12.09 image mila belle aka mimi and belle and miss isla aka ileigh : ) pregnancy calendar

Re: postpartum cramping?

  • I've heard the cramping is worse with each baby. I had the really painful cramps for a little less than a week this time around, but the pain meds helped some.  Hope you are feeling cramp-free soon!
  • I didn't notice afterbirth pains with my first, but they were TERRIBLE with my second! It was agonizing when I would nurse him. The cramps lasted for about a week. I can't remember now what kind of medication I took, but I know I was taking something because I'd had a C-section. You should ask your doctor what's safe to take. Hang in there, and congratulations!!
    ~ Liz, mommy to:
    DD, 1/7/05 * DS #1, 1/25/07 * DS #2, 11/11/09
    Baby #4, EDD 11/11/12
    m/c 7/30/08 at 12 weeks (blighted ovum, emergency D&C)

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  • Just wanted to say Congratulations on your beautiful new little girl!  Love the name!
    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • The cramping is worse after the second baby.  I breastfed and took Motrin which was okay with my OB, midwife, and pediatrician. 

    Congratulations on your new baby!

  • Those are some gorgeous girls!
    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • Mine were awful too!  I agree they rivaled the contractions with both children.  I had DD on Friday and by about Tuesday they were slight, so 4 days.  the doc did warn me they could last a few weeks though.  I took motrin to help combat them, and it helped.  I was taking the full dosage the dr. perscribed for the first few days.
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  • Congrats on your beautiful girl!  Yes, cramps were much harder the second time around.  I would take motrin and they should subside soon.
  • I remember having to do my lamaze breathing with some of the post-partum cramps with my second.  It should pass soon.
  • I don't remember honestly. I just wanted to say congrats (didn't realize you were due) and hope you're feeling better soon.

  • I can't say because I had two C Sections and was on narcotics afterwards.  I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! on Isla...she's beautiful!
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