Ian stuck his finger in a jar of Vicks Vaporub and licked it. Yes, let's not go there as to why it was still on the end table, DH. Anyway, they said he'll be fine but if it is a teaspoon's worth or more we'd have to worry because the camphor causes seizures. GREAT!
Glad it was just a lick though - but man, you really gotta watch these kids or they'll do the goofiest sh*t!
Re: Well, Poison Control just got it's first call from us today.
glad to hear he's ok.
they are too quick sometimes.
OMG! Glad he's okay.
I had a co-worker that would put Vick's in her throat whenever she was sick. IN her throat. She'd just reach in, grab a hunk, open her mouth and in it went. Freaked me out. She was more than a little 'off'.
OMG!! How scary! Glad to hear he's OK.
We had to call poison control after my little sister spread Icy Hot all over her crotch while I was babysitting her once. Nice eh??
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome