What a clusterf*ck of an afternoon!!
Went to Children's for Miles' swallow study and upper GI test only to find they hadn't scheduled him for the upper GI test so we still don't know for sure if he has a TE fistula.
The doctor who did the swallow study (with nasty barium, poor guy) did find he's been aspirating with each feeding, meaning the formula is partially going down the wrong pipe. She believes this is causing his breathing/swallowing issues while eating and ordered us to start putting some rice cereal in his bottles.
If he continues to have issues, we need to bring him back for the upper GI test.
Trying not to be annoyed that they screwed up and we might have to go back, but hopefully this is the answer.
BTW, can I just say how sad it was to see all the children there for chemo and other testing?? Ugh.?
Re: Partial relief - Miles' diagnosis
Partial YAY (ya? ay?) for Miles!
I hope the cereal does the trick. thats lame that they screwed up their scheduling, though...
Gina had that barium testing, it was gross. Yes, cereal in the bottle did help her reflux. However, the rice cereal *really* constipated her, but it was much better once we switched to oatmeal, just keep that in mind.
I hear you, Children's Hospitals are so sad. But they are also places of hope b/c they are helping them! (that is what I told myself when I felt myself welling up with tears at Gina's GI doctor, who was in a hospital)
Hopefully this is it!
Yeah that's what she said.
Thanks for the tip on the rice cereal and constipation REOM!! I'll watch for that.?
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!