Ours stopped working about 9 months ago, and I decided today that I HAVE HAD IT, even though we can't exactly afford it right now. Ants busted into our house last night because we were too exhausted after dinner to hand wash all of the dishes, and the little feckers got on our kitchen table. DISGUSTING!
Anyway, we have a great room floor plan so the dishwasher is only a few feet away from the TV, so we need one that will clean well but is very quiet. Any suggestions?
Re: Recommend your dishwasher, please
awwww that sucks! ummm no help on the dishwasher but TOTALLY check out craigslist for brand new dishwashers!!! seriously we missed out on an awesome GE stainless for $125!!!!!!!!! brand new in the box! they are all over craigslist!
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***