
moms of girls ?

I bought a dress for dd to have her picture taken in. I tried it on her last night to make sure that it fit. The dress is white and TOTALLY see through. Does anybody have any ideas of what I can put under her dress to fix this.

Re: moms of girls ?

  • What type of dress is it?  Would a onsie not work?  Usually I just go with a onsie and a diaper cover.
  • It's a sun dress with small straps. I have a cami that might work, but I haven't seen any diaper covers that would fit her. She wears a size 4. Would white underwear look ok? I don't know if you would still see that through the dress or not.
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  • dd wore those little toddler cami's over the winter as an extra layer.  how old is dd?  what's the dress look like?  sleeveless? sleeves?
  • I'd do a cami and maybe some short leggings?
  • Have you checked somewhere that sells formal dresses (flower girl, first communion) type places.  They may have something that she could wear under it.

  • I put white tights and a white undershirt on my DD.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • I may have to look for some short leggings. Thanks for the help!
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