
Diaper rash on scrotum -what to use

He's got a bad rash on his scrotum, it's all red and it hurts him to even sit and he keeps standing up and hitting it telling me it hurts. Then when i change his diaper it's scream fest.  I've always used desitin and it has seemed to work in the past but this area seems hard to treat. He's had it for a couple days now.  Should I switch to something else?

Re: Diaper rash on scrotum -what to use

  • you might want to get an Rx for an antifungal - often if it doesn't go away in a few days that's the problem (yeast).  Esp on the scrotum- it is so painful b/c the skin is so thin.
  • Neosporin, my pedi told me to use it anythign tough to get rid of before we bring them in,
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  • Use whatever has worked in the past.  You just have to make sure you get him REALLY dried off though - with all those pruney wrinkles going on, moisture gets trapped in there easily.  Towel him off really well, let him go commando as long as you can, then goop him all up. 

    We usually just use aquaphor unless it's awful.

  • Triple Paste has worked well for us in the past.
  • SullaSulla member
    I know some people believe talc is the devil, but the NP in our ped's office just recommended caldesene powder in addition to a prescription hydrocortisone/antifungal. My ds also has it on his scrotum, but not tush...She did say not to put the powder on the tip of hispenis, though, fwiw.
  • Jacob had a yeast infection a few months ago and his scrotum was like that. All red, and he would scream when we changed him. I felt horrible. the dr gave us nystatin ointment and it clears it right up. I got a refill just to have some on hand for flare ups. It works great.
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