
ARRRRGGGG...Greys anatomy..spoiler! are they going to kill her off???  I hate having to wait till next season!  What about George?


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Re: ARRRRGGGG...Greys anatomy..spoiler!

  • They are both dead...that is what I think!
  • that is why they saw each other!
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  • I had no idea that was George.  That surprised me.
  • i think they are both dead, too. I am pretty sure I read awhile ago that George is leaving the show.
  • I am thinking that Izzy gets back in the elevator and George is dead. I can't even tell you how bad I gasped when he wrote 007!!! I had NO idea!
    *Corrina born August 30, 2006* *Kaya born August 6, 2009* brimageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am so lame I actually got teary when I figured out it was George.  I could have used a cheerier end.  :(
  • mommy06mommy06 member

    I had no idea it was George either.  I hope they do not kill them off, that would suck.


    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage
  • Can someone please explain why 007 meant it was George?  Maybe I missed something?

    Melanie ~Ava Grace 7.20.06 & Lila Jane 7.22.09~ m/c #3 6/18/08 image
  • Ugh!!  I hate it when they do this.  Who knows?  It really depends on who is leaving the show and who's trying to play for more money.  I totally didn't call the George/007 bit.  I heard he was thinking of leaving, but I thought it'd be army...not dying.  Ugh!!!


  • #6#6 member

    Ok, I was totally prepared for Izzy to die.  I like her even though the Denny thing did get really old.  Just kill her off already.  But GEORGE?!?!  I love George.  I was so shocked.  I knew he was leaving the show but I was not expecting them to kill sweet George.  I thought joining the army was enough to get him off the show. 

    I almost cried when he wrote 007 on her hand and then her reaction was heartbreaking.  :(

    Now, how long before the new season starts? 

  • imagemelmax:

    Can someone please explain why 007 meant it was George?  Maybe I missed something?

    ditto... what does 007 mean? 

  • 007 was from season 1, George got the first surgery and the interns were betting that he would kill the person and when he made a mistake that could have killed the person they called him 007 - license to kill.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • imageLittlejen22:
    007 was from season 1, George got the first surgery and the interns were betting that he would kill the person and when he made a mistake that could have killed the person they called him 007 - license to kill.

    Thank you!  I could not figure out what 007 meant; I just knew it sounded vaguely familiar.

    I had not heard any rumors that he was leaving the show so I was completely shocked.

    Of courses the writers had to leave us with two possible deaths as a season closer.  Do the same people write Private Practice?  They did it to us there too.

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
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