I'm scheduled to be induced with our twin girls on Monday and looking for some last minute opinions on our names. They are both family names, after each of our grandmothers and are being kept a secret from friends and family.
Mary Catherine S_ : She will be called Macy. I know some people may not like the nickname thing or might not get where we get Macy from Mary Catherine, but Mary is a common name in DH's family and we both really liked the name Macy, so it works for us.
Sadie Rebekah S_: This is a combination of both of my grandmothers. DH is a bit unsure that "Sadie" will grow up well, but willing to go with it. My name is Sarah, so I'm a bit concerned about Sadie, since it is also used as a nn for Sarah, but we like it as a name, not a nn. My family will be thrilled for us to honor both grandmothers.
Thanks girls...
Re: Last minute thoughts: twin girls...
i think they are both great names, especially because you put so much thought into them.
congrats on your double bundles, and may monday be smooooth sailing!!
I love Mary Catherine and Sadie. I probably would go with Sarah as a full FN personally and I would use another NN for Mary Catherine (Mary Cate, Molly, Cate, Katie, Cat) but that is only because I dislike the name Macy.
Anyways, enough of my opinion! Congrats on your TWO little ones! How exciting
Love them! I have a friend named Sara who would have named her DD Sadie if she had a girl. As long as no one ever calls you Sadie, it's fine!
Although....You could name her Sara if your DH has reservations, but only call her Sadie...
i like sadie, and mary catherine is cute- my sister is mary clare. i think it's good you are giving "macy" a more formal, traditional name so she will have a lot of choices if she doesn't want to go by macy and also i think it just sounds better.
i would normally suggest a different spelling like rebecca, but since it's in honor of a fmaily member, i say it's fine the way it is.
congratulations and good luck with your two baby girls! you must be getting nervous!
This exactly