3rd Trimester

How does your baby weight at this moment?

I am going to my 29 week appt today cant wait to see how much he weighs today...

Re: How does your baby weight at this moment?

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    At 37w2d, my baby was estimated to weigh 8 lbs, 1 oz.
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    On Monday (at 30 weeks 5 days) our kid weighed 3.5 lbs. This is exactly what Your Pregnancy Week by Week says the kid should way. Go kid!
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    I haven't had a growth estimate since my 28 week u/s - but she was 2lbs. 8oz. then.
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    At 29 weeks mine weighed 3 lbs 15 ounces....yea, that's gonna hurt....
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    At 27 weeks he measured in at 2 lb/8oz and was in the 85th percentile.  I always forget to ask how long he is. 
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    At my last appt. (28w1d), our baby weighed 2 lbs. 12 oz.
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    At 29 weeks (Friday) my baby was 3 pounds.
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    I haven't had an u/s since 18w1d, so I have no idea.
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    At my 35 week appt, she weighed 5 lbs 12 oz. 
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    Do they check the weight at every appt for you all? Mine has never done that, except at the "big" u/s .... I have absolutely no idea what she weighs, just guesstimates from WTE
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    I'm 33 weeks. My last appt. last week she was at 5lbs 6oz.

    Since she seems to be gaining quite a bit of weight, i'm assuming tomorrow's appointment she'll be tipping 6lbs. Please pray for an induction.

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    Daisy22Daisy22 member
    At my last high risk u/s, he was 6.2 and that was at 34wks.
    BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    at my 32w scan last week both babies were weighing in at 4lb5oz (plus or minus an oz).  they were in the 43rd percentile.
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    I have no clue. They haven't checked since the big US because I haven't had an US since.
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    Do they check the weight at every appt for you all? Mine has never done that, except at the "big" u/s .... I have absolutely no idea what she weighs, just guesstimates from WTE

    Only once I started going every two weeks did my doc start checking weight. And it was just based on measurements, feel, etc. It was a guess. My SIL was just told 2 days ago her baby was 7 pounds. Yeah. She just had him this morning and he was 9 1/2.

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    I haven't had an u/s since 18w1d, so I have no idea.

    I have NO idea either! I guess I should ask!

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    At 33 weeks my baby weighed 5lbs 5oz. I have my last u/s on the 22nd and i'll find out what she's weighing at 37 weeks.
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    Do they check the weight at every appt for you all? Mine has never done that, except at the "big" u/s .... I have absolutely no idea what she weighs, just guesstimates from WTE

    Only once I started going every two weeks did my doc start checking weight. And it was just based on measurements, feel, etc. It was a guess. My SIL was just told 2 days ago her baby was 7 pounds. Yeah. She just had him this morning and he was 9 1/2.

    Aha. Thank you for that ... I was starting to worry that my OB was slacking off!!!!

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    At almost 28 weeks Allie weighed 3 lbs.  9 days later at our 29 week appointment (also high risk u/s) she weighed in at 3lbs and 14 oz. (14oz in 9 days!!!) 2 days later she weighed 4lbs!  She's in the 88%.  If we keep going at this rate she's going to be huge.  Oh my gosh.....I'm 5'1" 102lbs pre-pregnancy weight.  This may be tough.  I find out tomorrow how much she's gained this week.  I'm a little nervous but at least I know she's healthy.
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    I get cervical u/s every 2 weeks, so they do growth measurements every 4 weeks during my ultrasounds.
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    @ my appt today they estimated 6.8lbs..so I hope I go soon because if he gets to 8 they are going to push for a C Section being that I am 4'11"!
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    I am going tomorrow for my weekly visit so we will see.  At 28 wks she was in the 30th percentile and I am not sure exactly how many lbs that is, I forgot to ask.  Last week (32w5d) she was around 4 lbs 2 oz. 
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    At my last u/s 34 weeks 3 days, she weighed 4 lbs 7 oz, so she's measuring a little small. I have another u/s next Thrusday at 36 weeks 3 days... really hoping to see some weight gain!
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    I had a 3D u/s at 29 weeks 6 days. It was elective and at an imaging center.

    They gave an estimate based on his head, abdomen, and femur measurements. So baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead, 4.7 pounds!

    Lord have mercy! I realize that they may be way off but also at my 20 week u/s the techs said my baby is looking big although they never gave me an estimate. I don't think it's a sugar issue because my glucose tests came by regular. Hmmmm, we'll see, and I'm trying to have a non-medicated birth :)

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    My wee one weighed in at 4 lbs 15 oz yesterday.  The doctor says he's tall and skinny.  (His legs mesured in at 37 weeks!)  Thank goodness he didn't get my short, chubby genes:-)
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    At 36 weeks he weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and considered in the 50th percentile. 
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    At 37W5D Grady was measuring 9lb 4oz and in the 96th percentile.

    I am 3 cm dilated, cervix "very soft" and his head in "engaged". I have been having contrax since last Thursday on and off. I hope he comes soon! If he gets over 10lbs they want to talk about a c-section. I would love to try vaginally first, but we'll see!

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    At 36 weeks Baby A was 6lbs12ozs and Baby B was 6lbs4ozs.
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    At yesterday's appt., 27w2d, he measured at 2 lbs 3oz.  That's only the 25th percentile, so he's a little small right now.
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    As of last friday, at almost 29 weeks, baby was 2lb10oz, which I think they said was 45th percentile.
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    bbin09bbin09 member

    I have growth scans every 4 weeks. At 31 weeks, she was 4 lbs and today at 35 weeks she was 6 lbs 5 oz.

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    36 weeks he measured 6lbs 7oz. 
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