Since I"ve had the name my entire life, I can tell you it is easy kid name (Jill the pill was all I ever got) and lends itself to great nn by parents (Jilly, Jillybean, jillybugs, etc) but also turns into a good grown-up / resume name and people don't often have trouble with it. So great choice!
3 IUI's and 2 IVF's later- Brady arrived. Born at 36 weeks after PUPPS and pre-e/HELLP.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
Re: Jillian
My #2 girl name is Jillian Leigh! (Leigh is my middle name)
Very pretty!
Macy ~ 10.23.09
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again