
Question/concerns... A little help? *long post*

Hey there. My name is Rebecca and I've been lurking around here for a while. I'm 36w1d pregnant with twin girls! Im just wondering what some of yalls experiences have been with this situation. I woke up this morning in a puddle... It was around 5am and I just got up, went to the bathroom, changed clothes and waited to see if I had any contractions. I never felt my water break, but I also didn't feel me pee on myself. hahaha. I assumed if my water broke it would continue to leak or something. Finally at 11am, I went to the L&D and they checked and said that it wasn't showing up positive for amniotic fluid, but that there was a lot of discharge. The doctor did a sonagram and said the fluid levels looked good. He also said he didn't see a reason to do the csection right now, but would go ahead with it if I wanted. (The on call doctor happened to be the doctor thats doing the csection in 2 weeks). Well he also did an internal and checked my cervix and said that it was a fingertip dialated at the bottom, but that the top was closed and I was 75% effaced... When I got home, I noticed that I've started bleeding a little bit. I called L&D back and they said to just rest and keep an eye on it for now... After this long and drawn out post, did anyone else experience any of this? If so, how long before you actually went into labor? The doctor said he did not thing that I would make it to 38w1d. I'm just really nervous. I carried my daughter to 41 weeks and had to be induced and it still didnt work. They were checking me every week and I never spotted or anything with her. A little comfort or something would be great. TIA!

Re: Question/concerns... A little help? *long post*

  • I don't have any real advice for you; I made it to my scheduled induction at 37w6d (even though my OB didn't think I'd make it that far, either!). I did think I was leaking amniotic fluid at 36w and tested negative but didn't experience the rest of what you're describing. Just wanted to say hugs and best of luck! Making it to 36w is great; if you last a few more days or weeks, all the better!
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I'm sorry I still have a long ways to go so I don't have any advice.  The only thing I would say is trust your gut, and try to listen to your doctors.  Good luck!
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