
How long for dry at night before no more pull-ups?

Weeks, months, etc.? 

Now watch her wake up wet tomorrow morning...

Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)

Re: How long for dry at night before no more pull-ups?

  • DD's been dry upon waking for about 2 weeks now.  I think I'm going to wait another week.  I frequently have to have a morning babysitter when I teach aerobics (who is here before DD wakes up) and I'd hate for her to have an early morning accident for the sitter to deal with.
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • We waited several months just because she was still in a crib, and I wanted her to be able to get out of bed to go if she needed to.

    And, of course, the second night she went without a pull up, she wet the bed, but that was the only time, and it's been over a month now.

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  • DD was dry almost every morning after about 2 months. She had this weird phase though where she still wanted to wear a pull-up to bed instead of her underpants. No idea why, but if it saved us from having to deal with a fit before bed, so be it! So she was really ready sooner than she actually stopped wearing the pull-ups.
  • Ethan slept in pullups for 6 months until he finally refused on his own... i just kept putting them on him because I was honestly just to lazy to have to get up and change sheets in the middle of the night....


  • I would say I waited a good 4 months.  She was dry when she woke up almost as soon as she was day time trained, but I was scared.  She has never wet her bed.
  • I am not taking them off just yet and its been almost 6 mos. F*ck that. the one time I remove them, I'll be changing sheets at 3am.
  • I'll let you know when we get there.

    DD wakes up & wanders at night MOST nights - and when she gets up, she pees in her pullup.  I think it's going to be a while with her.

  • I only waited a few nights- 2 or 3.


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