I just started being able to feel Callum move. He is my top twin and a little bigger than his sister who is pushed into my hip. This isn't a surprise. Still I worry, I only once have felt Rachel
Mom to Harmon 1/17/08 and twins Rachel & Callum 8/28/09

Re: Dumb concern w/kicking...
?? ?Honestly, I wouldn't be too concerned yet since you are 16 weeks and I didn't even start feeling frequent movements til 20-21 weeks. I didn't even start feeling flutters til 15 weeks I believe. Most doctors don't have you do kick counts until 28 weeks, so 12 more weeks from now. Have they said whether either of them has an anterior placenta? One of my girls has one.
Don't stress too much, you'll start feeling them more in the weeks ahead
I wouldn't worry yet, since you're still so early. I didn't really feel both boys moving consistantly until my 3rd tri. My boys must be in a similar position as your two. I've always felt my "top" twin move more than the "bottom" one. Unfortunately, my lower twin is breech, so I'm usually feeling his feet kicking the crap out of my cervix and/or bladder! Fun times!
Trust me, you'll be feeling both of them plenty before you know it! You'll be begging for 5 minutes of peace!
i had two babies side by side on the bottom and one across the top and i always could feel the top baby (oliver) the best. i think just because the top baby has all the room. and i was talking to other MoMs the other day and they said the exact same thing. so definitely nothing to worry about.
and you're so lucky to be feeling them this early at all! i didn't feel mine until 22ish weeks (though, granted, they were my first.)
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You are still very early to be feeling any movement at all, so I wouldn't worry at all about only feeling Rachel once.