Just wondering how all of th 2WWs are feeling (being there are so many of us)?? Anxious to see if how I feel is the same as everyone else does.
I am CRAZY bloated. I could pass for 4-5 months pregnant right now!!! With that being said, I am not feeling too optimistic now!!! Unless of course you all say you are feeling the same----then maybe I can have some hope!!!!!
Also, emotions are running way HIGH!!!! My 2-1/2 year old son today, pointed to my belly and said, "Mommy's baby in belly!!!!" I cried!!!
Re: 2WWs how are you feeling??
OH boy, I can't even blame it on any progesterone shots---not on them this time!!!!
I am only on Day 19---so it's not looking too good!!!!
I think your tiredness/nauseous/headachy feelings are good signs though!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you..........BFP on the way!!!!!
How far in are you???
I am 10dpo...ignore my ticker I forget the password to reset it..The only things I have going on is I am incredibly b**chy and my nipples are obvious...does that last one make sense? I just noticed when I got home from work I had nipples poking through my sweater...I never ever ever have that. I just think it is weird..I still have them..I am laughing so hard cuz even my DH said.."Dude what is up with your nips??" I am not cold...They just won't go away...I am big chested so I don't really own any padded bras..hope this is a sign of BFP
lilac--No, we did not do IUI this month. Probably this next coming cycle depending on where hubby's S/A comes in. Have follow up appt with RE on the 27th!!!
Baze--I think your symptoms sound pretty promising!!! Pretty funny that your hubby is asking you??!!! Cracked me up!
Hopefully, BFPs for all of us!
This made me lol.
I'm doing ok, work has been really busy so I haven't had to much idle time in my mind to think about it too much, probably just the right amout of time for once really. But I feel ok, I think our timing was good so now it's just a waiting game. 9 more days until testing for me.
I'm happy that so many of us are going through the same monthly stages together. It's a relief my state of mind/body isn't alone.
I've been feeling a little dizzy/nauseous at times but I think that may be because I've cut down on my caffine intake. (Which might also explain my morning bitchiness.)
LOL- about the "cold" nips. Last month, my DH caught me feeling mine to check for soreness-- he wanted to know if I needed help.
I'm only 4dpo, so I got nothing to report yet. I was awfully b_tchy and emotional yesterday, but I'm sure that is more of a personality issue than a hormonal issue
*onemorelittleone* Your comment in your siggy made me laugh - the BFN stick laughing at you - I thought I was the only one that imagined that!
This sounds like my DH also LOL
Hello ladies. I don't normally post, but I thought I'd like to say good luck to all of you and thank you all for telling your stories, your strength is incredible. I really don't think I have in me what some of you have inside you.
I'm in the 2WW and was really thinking this month would be different. No PMS symptoms, which I always have for at least 7 days before AF arrives. It's now day 30 and still nothing. I don't think I've ever gone past 32 days on my cycle but I don't sometime O later than normal. So I broke down and did a test last night and got a BFN. I've never had one of those stare back at me since I always get such bad PMS, I know exactly when AF is going to show her ugly head. And I make sure I don't waste time, money and especially emotion on testing. I cannot handle the disappointment. We have been trying for quite some time, and I had hoped we could do this on our own, but it's just not happening and now I feel like time is just slipping away from us and the frustration is getting the best of me.
So now I feel quite defeated and stupid and knew I shouldn't have done a test because I knew what would happen and how I would feel about it afterward. I'm trying to convince myself it could be too early to test, and I know that's a ridiculous hope, but anything to make me feel better about that stupid test. I guess I'm feeling sorry for myself today. Boo hoo, I'm sorry for sounding like a jerk, I think I just need someone to tell me to get over myself and realize I haven't been through a quarter of what some of the ladies I read about on here have had to deal with.
Regardless of my pathetic self pity, I do wish all the luck in the world to all of you again, and I hope eveyone is blessed with everything they deserve.
Sorry, I meant to say I DO sometimes O later than normal, not that I don't. Thanks!
First off BBJ, let me say, "Welcome to the board!!" We are a group that NEVER wants a new member. Sorry you are here and I hope your stay is short.
It is totally understandable that you are feeling down. We all get that way. Just because your journey into IF may not be as long as others, doesn't mean you aren't hurting over it.
This is a great board with a lot of supportive woman.
The only advice I would have for you is to seek help from an RE before any more time goes by. I am sorry that I wasted so many cycles on Clomid and didn't go right to the RE.
Good Luck!!!