

Looks like we're c-section "twins".  Big Smile

I saw your comment about "emergency" c-sections:

I'm WAY passed done.  The preterm contractions speak to that!  But I'm still not dilating!!!  They said if I end up back in L&D before May 26, they'll only deliver me if I'm having cervical changes.  If not, more brethine and waiting until the 26th!

I could've written this word for word except no brethine.  (What is that?)  I've been so frustrated by their insistance on dilation, especially when I'm going to be a c-sec regardless.  If the babies aren't going to come out that hole, why does it need to get bigger???  Ugh.

Re: BelleBaby

  • My thoughts exactly!  The babies aren't using that way out, so why does it need to change??? 

    Brethine is the name they always use for terbutiline.  I'm never sure if I spell that right, so I usually write brethine!  I hate those shots.  They make your heartrate jump about 30 bpm and you feel like crap! 

    I agree.  Ugh is about all I can say at this point!

  • So are they stopping contractions still?

    My OB said all along that after 34w, they would do anything to stop my labor.  I was at the hospital at 31w with some PTL, but 3 bags of regular IV fluid stopped everything.  I was just a little dehydrated.  They never had to use any medication.

    Then I was back last Thurs. night (35w, 5d) and, again, a bag of fluid slowed it down.  THAT was when I started getting frustrated.  I was almost a good 36w and they still wouldn't get these babies OUT!

    (I keep telling myself that every day inside is much better for the babies -- lung development and ability to nurse well -- but I'm so ready to carry them on the outside and PUT THEM DOWN awhile!!!!)

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  • The told me the same thing.  At my appt 2 weeks ago, they said that once I reached 35w, they wouldn't stop my contractions.  Sure enough, I ended up back in L&D at 35w2d and I got another brethine shot.  I was so frustrated because I thought I was going to be delivering babies!  When I asked yesterday at 36w2d, they said that if I was contracting only with no cervical changes (read: dilation) they would continue with brethine shots.  The only way they'll deliver before 38w is if I am either contracting AND dilating or if my water breaks. 

    I keep telling DH that I'm so torn.  I know it's better for them every day that they're in there, but man am I tired of lugging around this massive bump of babies! 

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