I'm looking for some tips for bringing along baby to outdoor summer concerts or festivals. Anything special to keep in mind (besides sunblock)?
I guess you should hang back from loud speakers at a concert...anything else? Tips for making it fun/keeping baby engaged/finding a place to BF...? Any advice or stories would be very much appreciated!
(I might use some of your tips in an upcoming article. If I quote you I'll give your username credit!)
Re: Did you take your 0-2 yr old to concerts/festivals?
I would take a set of headphones like the one CleoKitty has on her DD in her siggy if you are going to a concert.
Just find a spot of shade to BF the baby otherwise, I think the standard diaper bag should be enough.
I was at the Dave Matthews Band concert just last week and saw quite a few parents with their children in Baby Bjorns. They seemed to be rocking out and having a good time!