
Crying it out method with twins???

did anyone use this method with twins?

Samatha (7 mths old) drinks her bottle then will fall asleep in my arms as I rock her so I dont put her in her crib until she is asleep - sometimes it takes 10 minutes sometimes up to an hour. I am afraid if i let her cry it out which makes her hysterical that she will wake up her sister

Madison usually falls asleep as she is drinking her bottle but she has to be asleep too before I can put her in her crib for the night.


what did you do?



Re: Crying it out method with twins???

  • I worried about this too, because I know that if my twin sister was crying in the same room I was in I wouldn't be able to sleep, but we did it with my daughters and believe it or not they seemed to have absolutely no problem falling asleep even with their sister crying three feet away.
  • Kim&JimKim&Jim member
    Mine have been in the same room since they were born so they don't really wake up when the other one cries.  I have used CIO, mostly with Keegan.  He fights going to sleep because he hates to miss out on stuff!  We put them in their cribs after bottles and a book and the turn on the music and leave.  Brady will play with the few toys that are in his crib or he falls right asleep.  Keegan, on some nights, will cry.  We go in after 5 minutes and soothe him.  If it's a bad night, we'll start upping the time, but typically it only takes one intervention if any.  I guess my point is, Keegan can be crying hysterically and Brady just sleeps through it.  I think it's just something they get used to.  I also dry my hair when they are sleeping and vaccuum so they get used to noise.
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  • we don't do CIO (yet) but my boys sleep in the same crib and have never woken each other up when they wake up crying at night or from their nap...sometimes mommy is in the middle of something and has to let them cry. The only thing you can do is try it and see what happens. Good Luck!!!
  • We did (and still do) CIO with triplets sharing a room.  If they are tired enough, they will sleep (or now, tell their sisters to go to sleep!)
  • we do CIO method with my triplets...I'm actually doing it as we speak for their naps! hahaha

     they do wake each other sometimes, so I try at first to put the biggest crier or criers down at the same time or the best is all three at the same time so they are used to the screams...


    good luck!

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