did anyone use this method with twins?
Samatha (7 mths old) drinks her bottle then will fall asleep in my arms as I rock her so I dont put her in her crib until she is asleep - sometimes it takes 10 minutes sometimes up to an hour. I am afraid if i let her cry it out which makes her hysterical that she will wake up her sister
Madison usually falls asleep as she is drinking her bottle but she has to be asleep too before I can put her in her crib for the night.
what did you do?
Re: Crying it out method with twins???
we do CIO method with my triplets...I'm actually doing it as we speak for their naps! hahaha
they do wake each other sometimes, so I try at first to put the biggest crier or criers down at the same time or the best is all three at the same time so they are used to the screams...
good luck!