
My friend has breast cancer. = (

I am in shock.  I've never had anything really bad happen to anyone I was close with.  Friends of friends, older relatives . . . but nobody that I was CLOSE with.

She is having a double mastectomy next week, and they will remove a lymph node to be sure it has not metastasized.  She has three kids (4, 3, and 7 months) and is just the most incredible person all around.

I know she'll be fine, but man .  . . I'm terrified for her.  I have new motivation in walking this year . . .

Could you spare some vibes and prayers for her PLEASE???



Re: My friend has breast cancer. = (

  • that's awful; I'm sorry she has to go through any of that. ?I'll be thinking of her and her family.
  • prayers on the way!?
    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
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  • Prayers will be said.  I have two parents (students of mine) who are younger than me (30ish) that recently got dx with cancer.  One has breast cancer and the other has bone cancer.  Each of them have a few kids.  It really puts the little things in perspective.
  • I just had a friend go through this (she's doing really well now!).  I'll be praying.  (((hugs)))
  • Good vibes and prayers being sent for her family!
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  • I have a friend who went this a couple of years ago. She's doing great now.

    Your friend will be in my prayers.

    One a friend note, I would make some dinners ahead for her because she's going to need the help.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • imageRebekah1021:

    One a friend note, I would make some dinners ahead for her because she's going to need the help.

    Oh yes, DEFINITELY.  I've already ordered from some local places for her--they live about 4 hours away, unfortunately.

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