I am in shock. I've never had anything really bad happen to anyone I was close with. Friends of friends, older relatives . . . but nobody that I was CLOSE with.
She is having a double mastectomy next week, and they will remove a lymph node to be sure it has not metastasized. She has three kids (4, 3, and 7 months) and is just the most incredible person all around.
I know she'll be fine, but man . . . I'm terrified for her. I have new motivation in walking this year . . .
Could you spare some vibes and prayers for her PLEASE???
Re: My friend has breast cancer. = (
I have a friend who went this a couple of years ago. She's doing great now.
Your friend will be in my prayers.
One a friend note, I would make some dinners ahead for her because she's going to need the help.
Oh yes, DEFINITELY. I've already ordered from some local places for her--they live about 4 hours away, unfortunately.