
Is my fish dying?

One of my new fish (elmo) has been swimming on its side for days. He'll go under the little tree and lay there like he's dead and then pop back out. Does this mean he's on his death bed?

I'm happy to report Mr. Fishy aka. BrooklynFish is doing excellent! He's so damn big and is still performing tricks and even talks back to me when I tell him he's had enough food.


Re: Is my fish dying?

  • Yes, I'd give him a week or less.  Condolences.
  • I believe he is not long for this world :(
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  • oh crap, I was hoping someone would say he just has a cold. Damn it, I think DH killed him, I knew I should've kept feeding him 3x's a day like I did with my BrooklynFish. I'm so sad :(

    Do we put him out of his misery or let him be?

  • Sounds like it. Is it a goldfish? I think it's common for them to get this swimbladder thing.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • they said it is, they said its a fan tail goldfish. I think.


  • Petstores sell a product called stress coat (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, about 4-5$).  It  gets rid of the chlorine in the water but also helps replace the protective slime coat that covers the fish (which can be easily damaged by handling, moving tanks, chlorine, etc.)  Sometimes it works as a last ditch save the fish strategy!
  • ohh I'm going to try that tonight if he's still with us. Thank you!
  • Is it floating?  They can sometimes recover from this if you improve the water quality--but I think this guy's in the bigger tank with the filter, yes? So the water may not be the issue. 

    anyway--if he looks like he's suffering, you can put him out of his misery using this:

    baking soda: as it increases the carbon dioxide level in the tank to toxic levels, but it's method is to make the fish peacefully fall asleep quickly before it's respiration fails. Remove your fish from his tank to a holding container with enough room to swim around. Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda to a quart of water and pour into the holding container. Your fish should quickly turn to his side and shortly thereafter his breathing should stop. Allow him to remain in the solution at least 10 minutes after the last sign of breathing. 

    Do not put him in the freezer!  This is a very painful way to euthanize a fish.

  • yes he is floating and every few minutes he'll do a little swim and go off on his side.

    I have to call DH now. He said he'd put him out of his misery today. I have to save poor elmo.

  • This is exactly why I decided not to have a fishtank anymore. It's MUCH more work than people think! Too emotional.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • you are so right! I feel awful. I think I'm keeping Mr, Fishy in his vase. He's been fine there for weeks and now I'm afraid to move him.
  • My carnie goldfish lived 8 years in a nasty ass bowl that I cleaned maybe every few months. (whenever the water got so cloudy that I could barely see him)!
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • OMG T! lol I clean that thing every night for him. He's so special!
  • imagexbrooklyngrl:
    He's so special!

    LMFAO! You're THIS close to getting a dog. LOL

    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • that's a negative. J promised B a cat when she's 5. I'm against that idea.
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