I have been set on using this for our first girl, as it was my great-grandmother's name. She immigrated from Poland and died when I was about 7. I always thought it was beautiful. DH is on the fence.
But since I've posted it on my name list, it has gotten sucky reviews. I will plan on using regardless because I love it, but I was wondering your opinion and why?
fwiw, middle name would be Grace.
Re: Felicia--WDYT?
I think Felicia is a very pretty name and made all the more so, given your family connection to it.
It's okay but I'm definitely not a big fan of the name. Are you going to use it even if your DH isn't fully on board?
Oh goodness of course we would agree on a name! He is starting to like it a little more. I guess I just don't see why people don't like it, that's all
I like it okay. I'm in the South, and it was popular here in the early eighties along with other -icia/isha names like Alisha, Lakisha, and Laticia. I know it is of a different origin than those names, but I think maybe some people group it into a category with those names.
What about Felicity? It has the same root (the Latin root meaning happy) but might sound less dated.
I like it, especially since my mn is Felice. Slightly biased I guess. I like Felice and Felicity a little better.
Macy ~ 10.23.09
Ditto this