It's getting very hot here, so the other day H and I were discussing buying sandals for our kiddos. I said something about how frustrating it is to find walking shoes for Leo's tiny little feet, and H said "as small as those shoes are, they're bigger than the diapers he wore in the NICU."
I thought he was nuts... I mean, there's just no way. The shoes he wears now are just tiny. Here's a photo of all of our shoes lined up, the morning of our March for Babies. Leo's are on the far right, with green velcro straps.
H IS RIGHT!! His tiny shoes are bigger than the micropreemie diapers he started out wearing! (sorry for the crappy pic quality... I need to re-take this shot w/better lighting)
Our 30 weekers turned 1.5 yrs old over the weekend. Leo was 2lb 7oz at birth, and now he weighs about 19 lb and he wears a size 4 shoe.
Re: Check out these photos!
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14
Wow. That's crazy.
Love the shoes, btw!
And happy half b-day boys!
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