
Cribs with a drop side?

Do you have one?  If so, do you like it?

Most of the cribs we like have drop sides, but I am just concerned about how safe they are.  I can just see my daughter jumping up and down in the crib and that thing dropping on her or something. 

Re: Cribs with a drop side?

  • Ours had a drop side and we never had any issues with it. ?The only problem we had was when we moved, the movers put the drop side on backwards and it didn't drop anymore :-) ?I had the kind that you push in at the bottom of the crib while lifting up and then it drops (if that makes sense). ?Easy to do one-handed and went through two kids without falling.
  • We've never had any problem with ours and plan to use it for #2.  Personally, I don't use the drop side much usually only when I am changing crib sheets. 
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  • Both of our cribs have drop sides. Neither of them are included in any recalls.

    I am like the PP and usually only use it when changing sheets, but I am pretty tall (5'8"). It would be much more useful to someone who is shorter.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • We have one and I have no worries with it.  We've used it with DS #1 and now DS #2 - like pp said, you have to push it in at the bottom while kinda lifting up in order for it to drop.  Sometimes DS #1 will climb into the crib with DS #2 and start jumping while holding onto the side (DS #2 thinks this is hilarious!) - the drop side doesn't budge!!

     I'm shorter (5'4") and use it quite often, especially since we've lowered the mattress.

  • ccm1203ccm1203 member
    We have one and I really like it.  I am only 5'1".  We have never had a problem with the side dropping when either of the kids have jumped around.
    Cheryl, Evan 4.25.05, Paige 7.2.07
  • I have a drop side crib and couldn't have had a stationary side crib because I'm very short (we looked at some and I couldn't reach in).  We had no problems with DD getting the side down, it's well built.  As long as it's a well-built crib, which you would want anyway, that shouldn't be a problem.
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