
Opinions.... WWYD?

?? ?My OB has me currently on Nifedipine til 36wks which is through this Wednesday. I will be coming off of them Thursday early morning and at that point am allowed to continue with labor if it progresses. Would you ask for more meds or just see what happens? I will be 6 days from my scheduled induction and I really would like my body to go into labor naturally, even if it takes a few days longer. Is 36wks and a couple of days too early? I should also point out in the last 6 days I have been to L&D 3 nights for contractions that wouldn't stop and I am 1-2cm dilated and 80% effaced.


Melissa :)?

Re: Opinions.... WWYD?

  • I was never on any meds, but was on bedrest for 13 weeks and was induced at 36 weeks 2 days due to high blood pressure.  My twins were fine, one was a little small 4 lbs 6 oz the other was 5 lbs 9 oz...They both were discharged when I went home...I know at about 34 or 35 weeks...can't remember which, I was 4 cm and about 80% effaced...I think if they want to come early it's probably fine at 36 weeks.
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  • i would leave this choice up to the doctor. if he/she thinks that your babies are ready for the world, and you keep ending up in L&D anyhow, you might as well let nature take its course.
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  • I was on Nifedipine for months, and came off them around 33 weeks - I didnt' have my girls until almost 37 and that was via scheduled c/s. Honestly, I couldn't tell a difference with or without them.
  • Ditto, I'd leave the choice up to your doctor.  It truly is unpredictable.  My babies were born at 36w 6d and DS (4lbs 9oz) was in the NICU for 10 days, but DD (6lbs 1oz) came home with me.  You just never know.
  • I would go with your Doc...36+weeks is pretty good, what were their weights on your last ultrasound?
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