
How to find hotel rooms w/ separate BR? Monterey, CA

We want to go to Monterey this summer and stay for a few nights, but I'm having trouble finding hotels online that have a separate bedroom (rather than just one big room--b/c otherwise we have to go to bed when the girls do) because it's not a search feature on any of the sites I've tried.  I found one that's really $$$$$, and that's it.  Anyone know a good way to go about this, or happen to have rec's in or around Monterey?

Re: How to find hotel rooms w/ separate BR? Monterey, CA

  • Try looking up places like Residence Inn or something like that. ?We stayed in a Res Inn in Burbank and it had a separate bedroom and a kitchenette.?
  • Embassy Suites and Amerisuites all have two bedrooms (a living area in the front and a  bedroom in the back - seperated by a door).
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  • Are you set on Monterey? I ask because it is one of the spendiest places on the coast. Half Moon Bay is a fun little town and a lot cheaper, and there is a ton in Santa Cruz.

    FWIW when I travel for business, we usually stay at a Holiday Inn Express or one of the Priority Club hotels. I have yet to stay in a skeevy one-they are actually pretty nice, and all the ones I've stayed at have suites. You could probably get a suite for less than $200/night, booked directly through their website.  Or check out for a bunch of other hotels.



    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • We just got back from Monterey.  We stayed at the Monterey Plaza which was very nice - right on Cannery Row.   It was just one room but it was pretty big.  They brought up a rollaway for DD and they had pack and plays available as well.

    There is an Embassy Suites in Seaside which is a short drive to Monterey.  They for sure have 2 rooms.  Not sure of anywhere else.

    Do not miss the Dennis the Menace Playground.  It's free and awesome!  DD had a blast there this weekend.

    Have fun!

  • Thanks for the info!

    Anywhere in or around Monterey would be fine--we'll be going to the aquarium and to the Santa Cruz boardwalk and stuff.  I'll have to check out that playground--never heard of it!

    A suite means it has a sitting area but not a separate bedroom, right? I wonder if that would do...

  • Sometimes there is a door that closes off the bedroom in a "suite" style room. . . or sometimes you can rearrange the furniture so the couch creates a little "room".
    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • We were just in Monterey last weekend.We stayed at the embassy suites. It was perfect. They have an awesome buffet breakfast included, as well as happy hour included in the evening. It is about 5-8min driving to canery row/warf. They also have an indoor/heated pool. Our daughter slept in the portable crib in the living room, and we stayed in the bedroom. It was awesome. I highly reccomend it. I think it was about $187 a night. We usually stay (before kids) at the downtown marriot. That usually runs about $250 a night for a single room. We had to have a sperate room for my DD, so it was not an option for us. We LOVED the embassy suites. Have fun!!!
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