
Potty training....take 2

Today is the first day of our second try at the potty training.  I'm a little more relaxed about it this time.  And, I got training pants instead of using the big girl panties.  So much easier to clean up.

I'm setting a timer for every 15 minutes.  So far, she hasn't gone in the potty chair-she's peed twice in her pants.

I was also wondering about naps-do you use a diaper for that, or something like pull-ups?  How long before they can go to naps in big girl panties? 

Re: Potty training....take 2

  • We are on day 7 of Preston's potty training. He is having a hard time with the poop issue, but I'm sure that will come in time. He just holds it until the very last minute, but he does/has gone in his potty. He is in big boy pants all the time (except for at night - he is in a nighttime pull up) although, he woke up dry this morning. For naps, I put him in big boy undies with a pull up over it (so that if he went, he could still "feel" that he went). He has woken up dry the past two days from nap.

    Good luck to you.

  • Honestly, I know it's less to clean up but I wouldn't use the training pants. It just confuses them.

    Once we went to big girl panties it took one day of her peeing all over herself for her not to like it. By day 3 I stopped sending her every 20 minutes and she ran to the bathroom herself.

    Question. Are you putting her on the potty after an accident? DH wasn't doing this (I forgot to tell him). She would pee, but not empty herself because she realized she was getting wet. Then 20 minutes later she'd have another accident because her bladder wasn't empty.

    I still have DD wear a pull-up to bed. She wakes up dry now though. It's barely been a month. I told her 2 days ago that when the pull-ups are gone she has to wear big girl panties to bed. She refuses to wear panties to bed right now.

    GL! One day it will just click with her.

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  • Hi there!  Haven't "seen" you in awhile!

    I'm no expert in the potty-training arena, but our experience was that DS was already waking from naps with a dry diaper so I let him wear his big boy undies for naptime when we first started PT.  We did that for a couple weeks and he was doing great with it, but then he started having a lot of naptime accidents so we went back to diapers for naptime.  I was disappointed, but I have gone in as soon as he wakes up and his diaper is wet, so I know he's peeing while he sleeps and not aware of it.  I've read that sometimes when they are in growth spurts they have less control.  Who knows, but anyway, now he almost never wakes from a nap dry so I'm planning to keep the diapers for naptime until he starts waking dry again.  We do diapers for nighttime too and they are alwasy soaked so I don't forsee being able to get away from that anytime soon.  People who do the 3-day potty training method seem to have good luck with undies for nighttime and naps right away, but I didn't do that, although I'm kinda wishing I had. 

  • imageemilykristene2006:

    Honestly, I know it's less to clean up but I wouldn't use the training pants. It just confuses them.

    Once we went to big girl panties it took one day of her peeing all over herself for her not to like it. By day 3 I stopped sending her every 20 minutes and she ran to the bathroom herself.

    Question. Are you putting her on the potty after an accident? DH wasn't doing this (I forgot to tell him). She would pee, but not empty herself because she realized she was getting wet. Then 20 minutes later she'd have another accident because her bladder wasn't empty.

    I still have DD wear a pull-up to bed. She wakes up dry now though. It's barely been a month. I told her 2 days ago that when the pull-ups are gone she has to wear big girl panties to bed. She refuses to wear panties to bed right now.

    GL! One day it will just click with her.

    That's good thinking on the accident thing-I hadn't thought about that!  I was just putting a new pair on her and setting the timer again.

    I tried regular panties last time, and for two days, she peed all over my house.  She only made it in the potty a few times.  The third day, she woke up and told me she didn't eant to potty in the potty chair, so I didn't push her.

  • I guess my kid is not the one to get mixed messages because I put her in panties during the day.  Pull ups if we are out & about & for naps & then at night I put her in a diaper & she does great with all of them.  When she has on her pull up she still asks to go to the potty & for the last few weeks for nap/bed she wakes up dry.  I think you do what you have to, it keeps me sane not to have to worry about the "what if" when we are out.
  • We did the 3-day thing.  Day 1 was pee all over the house.  Day 2 was only half a day of pee all over the house.  Day 3 she was fine. . . only random pee accidents since then.  Poop took a week to figure out and then only one random poop accident since then.  She's had no accidents for over a week at this point (it's been about 3 weeks).

    I put her in panties for nap/night immediately.  Nap is fine as long as she pees before an after.  And she usually doesn't nap, just has "quiet time" so she knows that she can call me if she needs to go potty.  Nighttime was tough because I know she was peeing in her first moments of conciousness and I wasn't willing to wake her up any earlier, so I put her back in pullups for nighttime after a few days.  I'm glad I took them away at first though just so she could get used to not relying on them.  She's been dry overnight for over a week now, though so I think the pullups are soon to be gone.

    I had to hide all of her diapers/pullups in order to get her to wear panties.  I told her we were "all out."  Otherwise she'd refuse.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
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