
How to fix this?

Apparently DS chunked a toy at his crib and it hit the edge of the top rail which put a huge knick in it and chipped a tiny piece of wood from it.  The crib is espresso and the part where the wood was chipped out is raw wood.  What's the best way to repair this?  I'm not good at this type of stuff.  I obviously want to match it as close to the espresso color as possible so it doesn't look so obvious that it's a repair job.  The crib converts to a full size bed so we had every intention of having this for a very long time.
Liam is 5!
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Re: How to fix this?

  • They make these things that are basically like magic markers for wood furniture. I think they're called "furniture pens" or something along those lines. You just color in the nick in the wood. They come in the colors of popular wood stains, so they'd probably have a cherry that might match. I've seen them at Home Depot. The reason I know is DD spilled nail polish on our brand new kitchen table (literally had it 10 days) and even though I cleaned it up instantly, it took the finish right off the table! The place we bought the table suggested the furniture pens, but we didn't have any luck since the finish on our table is white and all they had were wood stain colors. Good luck! I hate when things like that happen!
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